Book #1 from the series: Self-Help

My Inner Saboteur AKA Wile E. Coyote(C)

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My Inner Saboteur is a psychological term that is used to refer to the experiences of people who exhibit extreme self-sabotage, getting in the way of their achievements and success, and people with persistent but unreasonable denial of their own capabilities. Repeated self-sabotage over a period of years becomes the commonplace, not the exception.

In my case, my Inner Saboteur often resembles Wile E. Coyote(c) and his antics. There are many attempts to blow up my progress, sabotage my successes, and generally wreak havoc. And like the Coyote, my Inner Saboteur is relentless. He never wins but he’ll never give up.

This book will help you deal with your Inner Saboteur by providing guidance and principles that work. One of those is learning how to laugh at yourself.